Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Music Marketing Plan - A Free Ebook

Music Marketing free ebook. Earn a living from your music with this free music marketing ebook called 'How To Promote Your Band On The Internet'. This music marketing ebook gives an overview of the most powerful forms of music marketing for bands and musicians. If bands and musicians apply just a few of these music marketing techniques then they will be doing more than most bands and musicians. Their exposure on the web is also likely to drastically increase. Bands and musicians can receive the free music marketing ebook at my music marketing web-page.<!--INFOLINKS_OFF--><!--/lens_intro-->

Most musicians focus on their music and being artistic and creative, but in order to actually be able to do their art for a living instead of a 9-5 job, a musician needs to actually earn money from their music. For musicians the hard bit is creating excellent music, so now it is time to do the easy bit and actually market the music in order to earn money. This is what the free music marketing ebook focuses on, maximising exposure on the web for bands and musicians so that they can make money from their music and not by waiting tables or working in a 9-5 office job.

The free music marketing ebook first talks about the importance of having a musician or band website and looks at the main features that a good band website requires. One of the most powerful features mentioned in the ebook is the email sign-up box. T he importance of the email list, and how to use it to improve online promotion, is discussed.

Simple Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques are also discussed. SEO is an important music marketing strategy. It is really simple and can get a musician's website ranked highly on the Google search. This can increase exposure as it enables people to find yout about a band without even knowing that they exist. They may just be searching for a band of a specific music genre in a specific location but do not know the name of the band. If the band website is optimized for certain generic keywords then this will increase the chances of other people discovering it via Google.

The second half of the free music marketing ebook talks about making the most from the main forms of social networking: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and MySpace. It is likely that bands and musicians may use one or two of these methods already. The free music marketing ebook will give bands and musicians ideas of how to make use of social networking more effectively to increase their following.

A good idea is to try and integrate all forms of social networking together and direct people to a central website, then the musician can sell their music and merchandise, and capture email addresses for future promotion."

Bands and musicians can receive the free music marketing ebook at my music marketing web-page.

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