Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Book questions & answers

Good spookyish place for cops to find guy?
Pleas help! In my story, the police are looking for this guy (Chris) who framed his wife for the murder of their daughter, when it was him who killed her. While his wife is surrounded by custody, he escapes with his step daughter (his wife's three year old daughter). Where is a good place for...

Good star war innovative?
what are the good star wars novels out here especially before the thrawn trilogy? or after the thrawn trilogy but before the new jedi direct series? thanks! i don't think it falls in your time constraints, but try the Death Star one. its very upright. sorry i cant remember the exact title :( the Republic Commando series is...

Good stories for me [books]?
i wanna know how and where can i go to get appropriate books for me so thxs im only 12 give me titles and more websites and everything and i live in sandiego not to far frome within lol books-a-millionbarnes and nobleswalmart (best sellers) Depends on what you like. I know everyone's prolly told you stuff resembling twilight...

Good surnames/last name for my behaviour?
So i want a good surname that would go with Lucille(Lucy)her elder sister's name is RoseMom is Penelope (maiden name Jones)Dad is MorrisThey are a caucasian family, Thank you How about Winters? x Watson, Taylor, Hunter, Shepherd, Miller, Kelly. How just about:-Pensive-Mauville-Argile -Brundrew-Hallond -Beckingale-Gallow-Freeman-Ferncliffhmm...all i can think of for now, i tried to pick name that...

Good Technology Essay Title?
I am writing an essay about how one of the main theme of Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury is how technology is refusal and corrupts society. Can anyone give me a catchy, smart title that g rabs the reader's attention? Fahrenheit 452,

Good teen books next to no discourse? unproblematic 10 points!?
I am looking for some good books for teens that have no language contained by them! thank you so much! 10 pnts!! that have no language in themvery soon what kinda sense does that make? but if you mean no adult dialect, then i would say..'Websters Dictionary Almost adjectives teen books have some...

Good teen books to read?
what should i read after reading and loving the twilight series, the host, the house of night books, the luxe books, the night world books etc?I like vampire books and i saw books call the vampire diaries, vampire academy etc but i don't know if they're any good? Try Sarah Dessen's Books. I love her! i...

Good teen girl books ?
i have read the mates dates series and stuff close to that Twilight. <3 My Sister's Keep - Jodi Picoult (or any Picoult book)The Vampire Diaries - L.J. SmithGossip Girl Series - Cecily von ZiegesarSisterhood Of The Travelling Pants Series - Ann BrasharesThe Giver - Lois LowryHope this helps! twilight the host x :) Oldie but...

Good teen romance books?
i rlly like the paranormal/ outcast books, such as twilight and ever night series's. any ideas?? and please no in low spirits ones like not ending up 2 gether or one of them dying. thanx Anything by Sarah Dessen. She is natural fiction but she is very good!I also really like Tamora Pierce. She focuses more on the made-up...

Good Teen/Young Adult books?
These are the books Ive read, anything similiar to these would be great!The Notebook...Nicholas SparksForever...Judy BlumePerfect Chemistry...Simone ElkelsBloom...Elizabeth ScottThis Lullaby..Sarah DessenAlong For The Ride..Sarah DessenThe Truth About Forever..Sarah DessenJust Listen..Sarah DessenTwo-Way Street..Lauren Barndholdt (Reading right now)When It Happens..Susane ColasantiTake Me There..Susane ColasantiWaiting For You..Susane ColasantiHoney, Baby, Sweetheart..Deb CalettiThe Book Of Luke..Jenny O'ConnellCruel Summer..Alyson NoelI want books with romance in...
Good Teen/Young Adult Vampire Books?
Other than these...(which I have already read & loved1!)-Cirque Du Freak-Sookie Stackhouse Series/Southern Vampire Mysteries-Twilight Saga-Morganville Vampires-Blue Bloods-Vampire Academy-House Of The Night-Night World-Vampire Beach-Vampire Diaries Iv e read adjectives of these man there awesome the cirque de freak movie looks gay tho. i hope the house of night and vampire academy dont turn out like twilight cus i...

Good title for my spanking new story?
I am writing a story for school that follows two brothers who are plastic surgeons. But I'm stuck on the title! I've thrown around the titles Augment or Augment Me, but I just don't know! I need some serve! Get crazy, people! Easy ten points. I want to thank everyone in advance! Nip and Tuck,brotherly...

Good title for my website?? Will award 10 points!?
I keep restarting my website on webs .com because I get bored of the name quickly. Any suggestions of names? I'm kind of desparate at the moment. I do graphics, and I will award ten points. Just suggest some philosophy. I am the exact same way, can't keep a name to release my life!Good names...

Good tween/teen books?
i am very mature for my age and read at a 10th grade rank. (im only in sixth)i really dont want to read typical sixth grade books, motive apparently they suck, as the normal book-worm me, is about to chuck these books out the window.can someone please bestow me a few ideas? im on my school library's website and looking...

Good Vampire Books? :)?
i want one that is not that popular like twilight;vampire diaries;trueblood;ectttt but i read twilight im aware of the other 2 i just said and im reading the house of the darkness series and im also aware of vampire academythanks you guys are the best and please no rude comments:) The Vampi re Chronicles by Anne RiceVampire Kisses by Ellen...

Good Young Adult Books!?
I love to read I'm in 12 th grade umm I've read stuff like Blue bloods, Vampire diaries, vampire academy, dark world series.. Stuff like that I really like and I need some suggestions! Please and Thank You! (: No offense, but it pisses me off that girls squeal over vampires these days. Try mixing it up a bit,...

Good Young Adult or Teen Books?
I need some books to read and i most of the time read young adult. the types of books i close to are girly, sometimes fantasy, sometimes mystery, i would also like some romance. I know it's weird but i would also approaching something hollywood.PLEASE NO Twilight or Harry Potter * =SeriesMeg Cabot-Pants on fire.Any of her...

Got any cool but wierd name?
im wirting a book and i need more names! but nothing too wird, name like rayne or ewen Bon que queSheniqua: D how aboutNivaraNevaehLillithGreta Source(s): My personal faves:EnigmaCharismaDesdemonaHeroactually i suggest you check out some shakespeare plays for weird and wonderful name. Summer, Arizona, Star, Jonas, Pheonix, Rio, River, Liberty, Rivera. Waleigh for a girl, Oden for...

Got any polite concept for a bridge heading contained by a fiction book?
I'm writing a book and i can't think of a good name for a bridge. I know it's kinda stupid exact it's just a bridge but it's an important bridge cause the crucial characters parents died on that bridge and you go back to it a lot surrounded by the...

Gothic short story project!?
I have to do a gothic short story, about 2 A4 pages for an english assesment. I enjoy no clue what to write about!Please can somone give a me a really good storyline i.e. not to similar to any famous gothic storys already! Thank you :D A plot formul a can get the old juice flowing! It gives you questions...

please help me i have read the book and watched the motion picture but i havent got a clue!, the question is what is miss havisham compared to and how does this imagery affect the reader ? xx Miss Havisham Character AnalysisMiss Havisham is the owner of Satis House, as all right as Estellas adoptive mother. She is a little...

Great Expectations:What do you deem of the characters of?
John Wemmick & his father The Aged Parent ? The aged parents is a phrase I love the dual personality.When he is in London, he is all business and a bit gruff. When he is at home within Walworth, he is warm, welcoming, and generous of spirit.From Shmoop Source(s): Loved...

Great gatsby ch6 shadows? what do they represent?
gave way to another shadow, and indefinite pro cession of shadows, that roughed and powdered in an invisible chalice They're just shadows. There are doings in the Gatsby household that are suggestive of romance, but they have no symbolic valence.

Great Gatsby Chapter 5 as my minicab groaned away i saw gatsby?
what does this mean?/ help please Nick is coming back slowly from the city. He projects his tiredness into the sound of the taxi he has taken as it pulls away. The Gatsby comes along full of go and proposes a trip to Coney Island.

Great Vampire Books? (No vegetarian vampires please)?
Well, Im looking for a new book to read and I love vampire books... but here's the problem: I don't really like the modern vampire that we have become used to today. I used to love Twilight, but after I realized something. WHAT'S THE POINT OF VAMPIRE IF THEY DON'T DRINK BLOOD OR HAVE FANGS? So,...

Great werewolf books ?
hey guys does anyone know of a great werewolf book ive already read cycle of the werewolf by stephen kingso any other great books Moon Called Shiver Hunting Ground Try Cry Wolf and Blood and Chocolate I forgot the authors, sorry :( Source(s): me

GRENDEL by John Gardner?
why does GRENDEL persist to kill humans? He could just live stale of cows, but he still eats off of humans. Why? The Danes piqued his curiosity with their singing, when he finds them slumbering, similar to the monster he is, he eats one of them and then enjoys the love and feeling of killing humans.

Guilt by association surrounded by The Crucible?
What is an example of guilt by association in The Crucible? The idea of guilt by association is central to the events contained by The Crucible, as it is one of the many ways in which the p rivate, moral behavior of citizens can be regulated. An individual must fear that the sins of his or her...

Guitar Help - partially step? how to capo down when no capo used?
hi, when a song is played with say, capo on the 2nd fret, and its too high for me to sing, i newly drop the capo on my guitar to the first fret or no capo to lower the song. Many times i come across a song that has no...

Guns, Germs, and Steel book review assistance?
I have an eight page book review due this friday. I didnt read the book, and its to late now. I know I can find stuff on my own stale the internet, but since it has to be so long Im going to need some help. It wishes to cover a general summary on what its...

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